Thursday, June 25, 2009


Forgiveness is a well defined word no matter where you look at it. I've read many articles, religious messages, how to books and read poems about it but still having hard time putting this " word" in action.
It's been a year now when I put myself into a situation where I couldn't easily get out. There were too much emotions, many tears shed, many sleepless nights, lies hurts and deceit.
Two months ago, I made ammends with myself. Still blinded with lies, I realized that i can't keep hurting myself, my loveones and my God anymore. I did what I thought was the right thing to do - a choice that will forever affect my life. I worked on rehabilitating my emotions, worked on regaining my self respect back and struggled to get up and keep going . Im still in the process in completing these tasks.
Forgiving someone is undeniably the hardest thing to do in this journey. Forgiving myself is still a work in process. Im letting go. Im moving on. HOW? My efforts has failed me all the time but I know I can forgive "me" by His grace.

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